MaxPresort OS Version Released February 2023


This release modifies the Mail.dat Segment File Dates:
SEG file –  80 – 87   Lot Database date = CASS date user provided.
131-138 (Automation Coding Date) = Label List Date
139-146 (Carrier Route Coding Date) = If a Customer is performing CRRT, this will populate with the CASS date provided by the customer otherwise it produces 00010101.
147-154 (Carrier Route Sequencing Date) =  If a Customer is performing CRRT, this will populate with the CASS date provided by the customer otherwise it produces 00010101.
155-162 Move Update Date = Move Update date provided by the user in the segment properties.

This release updates the Mixed Bundles feature. In previous versions of MaxPresort OS ( and earlier), the application was not able to place a Mixed Bundle onto a Mixed Pallet container type. These bundles were forced to be sacked, based on a USPS DMM rule. The latest Federal Register changes, state that USPS Marketing Mail or Periodical Flats mail pieces can now contain a Mixed Level Pallet with MXD Level Bundles on the pallets.
IMPORTANT: This change does not have a pallet minimum by default for a Mixed Level Pallet, and could cause “under-filled pallets” per presort run.


This release corrects the EFN number as it was populated with the incorrect length. This feature will now populate correctly.

This release fixes the MNDC Small Pallets issue to correctly combine the two pallets when the user selects “Co-Bundling” as an option

This release adjusts the code for the Carrier Route to produce the expected results correctly.


Welcome to Anchor Software, where we transform your customer communication strategy. With our cutting-edge address validation and data quality software, we ensure that every communication is not just delivered, but delivered accurately and effectively. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond data management – we specialize in crafting personalized messages that resonate with your audience, driving unparalleled engagement and loyalty.

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