MaxPresort OS Version Released January 2023


This release contains the USPS Postal Rate Changes and rules changes effective January 22, 2023.

Note: The Previously released versions of the Labeling List files are not compatible with the new version of MaxPresort OS due to the Preparation Changes. The customer must use the new Labeling List file (list.022023.dat and ddu.022023.dat) with this version of MaxPresort OS.

Including new containers for the USPS Marketing Mail for a Flats Mailing. Customers who use the USPS Marketing Mail for Flats will now see a qualification report for the Carrier Route mail and Non-Carrier Route mail (5DG, 3DG ADC, and Mixed ADC). Their outputs are different compared to previous versions.

This version contains the Rates for the USPS Market Dominant and Competitive products, First Class Mail, Marketing Mail, Periodicals, Bound Printed Matter, Parcel Select, and all other Mail Classes supported within MaxPresort OS.

SCF Pallet Discount for Marketing Mail Flats
This release applies discounts to Automation Flats, Nonautomaition Flats, Automation & Nonautomation Carrier Route flats, High Density, High Density Plus, and Saturation/Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) Flats.


This release includes the removal of the Sacks for Market Mail and Periodicals Flats and SCF Pallet Discount for Market Mail Flats. As part of the USPS network redesign efforts, the Postal Service is eliminating the use of sacks as containers for Flats acceptance/entry. They will continue to allow Flat trays as an acceptable container for acceptance and entry along with bundles on pallets for USPS Marketing Mail and Periodicals Flats Mail. Carrier Route, 5-digit Scheme Carrier Routes, and 5-digit Carrier Routes USPS Marketing Mail and Periodicals Flat mail will continue to use sacks as a handling unit.

This release adjusts the code for the Carrier Route to produce the expected results correctly.


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