Anchor Software Readme's

AddressPro Version Released February 2025

Cycle O


This release only affects the Loqate Cloud International-Address lookup feature of AddressPro.
The Loqate Cloud web service has been updated from a SOAP to a REST system. By default, this version and all future versions of AddressPro will use the new REST web service for Loqate Cloud lookups. All address-processing functionality will remain the same.

The only change that a user might need to make is to ensure that their Loqate Cloud license key (in the AddressPro web-service configuration file) is in the newer format, see below:

For Example: LQC_LICENSE_KEY=AA11-BB22-CC33-DD44


This release fixes the AddressPro WSD: files to allow files to be retrieved from a simple URL using a web browser. The URLs to use for each of the AddressPro WSDL files are as follows (HTTPS should be used for SSL connections):


This release fixes an issue with the DetectAddressLines operation in the Address Utilities interface. If an address line contained a street name with a suffix of CT (COURT), the program would incorrectly assign CT as the State. This feature has been corrected and now functions as expected.

This release fixes an issue with the CodingEngine field not containing the new international REST call for the Loqate Cloud. This feature now functions as expected.

This release fixes the error message when credits are expired in a Loqate Cloud account. This feature now functions as expected.

AnchorCoder Version 5.00.05.O Released December 2023


This release contains the following update to AnchorCode for Mainframe customers only:
The AnchorCoder API for CICS may encounter an endless loop when using remote file definitions.
The key length specified on the STARTBR with the generic option was not being carried forward
on subsequent READNEXT commands. For remote files, if KEYLENGTH is not defined in the file
definition, and is not specified in the application program, and the key is longer than 4
characters, the default value is 4. This causes the browse to be repositioned and each READNEXT
command returns the same record resulting in a looping condition. The AnchorCoder API has
been updated to specify KEYLENGTH on the READNEXT command.


This release fixes an issue where we were not processing an address through LACSLink® if there was only address information in input address-line 2.

INPUT: HC 70 BOX 196DAVIS WV 26260
OLD OUT: HC 70 BOX 196DAVIS WV 26260 (no match)

DataDialog Version 3.0.481.0 Released June 2024




This release fixes the GUI to no longer do nothing when an existing DataDialog project is open and the user tries to open an existing input file. The GUI will now respond appropriately.

This release fixes the GUI to now correctly Ignore the First Header when selected. This feature now functions as expected.

This release fixes DataDialog to no longer crash while a project is open and the user makes changes to the input file and selects the Infile/Output icon. This feature now functions as expected.

This release fixes the Add button to no longer be grayed out when the user has an existing controlbook with Input/Output files loaded and select the All Files option. This feature now functions as expected.

This release fixes an issue with DataDialog saying the file is already in use when it is not. This feature now functions as expected.

This release fixes the wildcard processing with CSV files and the Skip Header option selected. This feature now functions as expected and skips the header.

This release changes the ResetFileName to run at runtime as documented instead of as compile time as coded.  

This release fixes the Overwrite the Reports for each Run option. This feature now functions as expected.

Deceased/Prison Suppression Version Released September 2023



This release fixes an issue with the Command Line feature not functioning reliably. This feature now functions as expected.

DoAlls Version Released December 2024



This release fixes the unexpected removal of commas from MDUS068 – Convert a Company Name. This feature now functions as expected.

GPUs/FileScan Version Released December 2024




This release fixes an issue where the parameters for GPU 218 were not properly handled in the Control Book. This feature now functions as expected.

Layout Manager 4 Version Released December 2024




This release modifies the date format for Excel spreadsheets to now display the data in dates format vs as numbers. This feature now functions as expected.

MaxCASS OS Version Cycle O Released December 2024


This release updates MaxCASS OS to address the CSL issues for NCOALink users. This release enhances MaxCASS OS to allow multiple splits on the output file to run more efficiently. This release creates a new error message when an ANK77 file name is blank and is required for processing.  This release enhances MaxCASS OS to now apply Intelligent Casing to Final Fields. This release enhances MaxCASS OS to carry PMB addresses to the Final Address.


This release fixes the Records Per Hour field in the Product Monitor database to now display the correct value. This release fixes the incorrect County Name being returned with DPV set to No on occasion. This feature now functions as expected.  This release fixes the Quick Lookup GUI to now properly process the CASS databases using a WildCard naming convention. This feature now functions as expected. This release fixes an AEP error during processing.  This release fixes the NCOA Audit file to always show the current and COA Addresses correctly. This feature now functions as expected.

MaxCASS OS Mainframe Version Cycle O Released December 2024


This release updates MaxCASS OS to address the CSL issues for NCOALink users. This release enhances MaxCASS OS to allow multiple splits on the output file to run more efficiently. This release creates a new error message when an ANK77 file name is blank and is required for processing.  This release enhances MaxCASS OS to now apply Intelligent Casing to Final Fields. This release enhances MaxCASS OS to carry PMB addresses to the Final Address.  


This release fixes the Records Per Hour field in the Product Monitor database to now display the correct value. This release fixes the incorrect County Name being returned with DPV set to No on occasion. This feature now functions as expected.  This release fixes the Quick Lookup GUI to now properly process the CASS databases using a WildCard naming convention. This feature now functions as expected. This release fixes an AEP error during processing.  This release fixes the NCOA Audit file to always show the current and COA Addresses correctly. This feature now functions as expected.

MaxDup OS Version Released December 2024


This release adds unique names to Grids and ScrollViewers in the GUI.


This release adds a unique name for RecordLength, XAML <Grid>s, and ZapElement items.


This release adds the CreateRecordHeader option for the DELIMITED Net/Dup output files. 


This release includes several updates for Linux users, including the casing of mc3_cityst.tbl, updates to the address parser, and font loads from the common/fonts directory. 


This release fixes the total step complete issue so that it no longer interferes with the GUI. This feature now functions as expected.

This release fixes an issue with parsing an address with 14 garbage elements. This feature now functions as expected.

MaxPresort OS Version Released January 2025


This release contains the January 2025 USPS Postage Rate increases for Ground Advantage and Parcel Select mailings. As well as the new Mail.dat 25-1 file format.
Note: The USPS is increasing the rates for competitive products only, all Market Dominate product rates are staying the same.

This release modifies the Bundle Destinastions for Mixed Bundles on NDC pallets to now be looked up by the Pallet Destination.

This release removes the Emerging Mobile Technology option from the Component Characteristics field. This removal is per the latest USPS Promotions for 2025. Please check your control books as this feature will no longer exist.


This release fixes the generation of 2 Mail.dat .MPA records when the user sets the postage method as Stamp and a Permit Number is specified. This release now functions as expected and creates 2 Mail.dat .MPA records.

MaxPrint Version 3.7.755.0 Released December 2024


This release enhances Image Tables entries to now allow the user to select a PDF Page Number for PDF file entries. 

This release increases the number of columns to use from 64 to 128, therefore allowing the use of larger spreadsheets. 

This release adds the GS1 modifier and parenthesis for easier client usage. 

This release adds USE_MERGEPDF_TOOL=1 to the control card. This will force the PDF combining utility to be mergepdf.exe.

This release adds the TEMPPDFPAGES= keyword to allow the user to specify how many pages will be in the temporary PDFs before combining them. 

This release adds color JPG output to IPDS.



This release fixes PDF Overlays that are embedded into the Output PDF using the Enhanced PDF Driver. The driver may not print at the correct location in the output PDF when a CropBox does not match the MediaBox. The Enhanced PDF driver will now detect any difference in these boxes and make the necessary adjustments to print the PDF Overlay at the proper location. 

PilotPro Version Released July 2023


This is an update for the AnchAPServiceConfig.ini located at c:\program files (86)\anchor software\apservice directory for PilotPro. Anchor Software suggests that our customers set the INTERNAL= option to 1 vs the original default of 0. Setting this feature to 1 allows the APFileDataCollector.exe and AnchAltEemya.exe to no longer be called as external programs. Going forward new clean installs will have this feature set to 1 (INTERNAL=1). This update will not affect current installations. 



PowerSort Version Released December 2023


This release adds a popup error when a security issue occurs.


This release fixes the command line options for -o and -s.

SmartBarcode Manager Version Released December 2023


This release updates the version number. 



View.dat Version


This version updates the View.dat application to the 15-1 IDEAlliance specifications.

