2024 USPS Price Increases (January 2024)

The United States Postal Service has filed a notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission of mailing services price changes to take effect Jan. 21, 2024.

The proposed adjustments, approved by the governors of the Postal Service, raise mailing prices approximately 2 percent, but would still need to be approved by the PRC.

The proposed changes include:

Product Current Prices Planned Prices
Letters (1 ounce) 66 cents 68 cents
Letters (metered 1 ounce) 63 cents 64 cents
Domestic Postcards 51 cents 53 cents
International Postcards $1.50 $1.55
International Letter (1 ounce) $1.50 $1.55

The additional-ounce price remains unchanged at 24 cents.

The Postal Service is also seeking price adjustments for Special Services products, including Certified Mail, PO Box rental fees, money order fees and postal insurance.

The USPS says that operating expenses continue to rise, fueled by inflation. As a result, they say these price adjustments are needed to provide the Postal Service with much-needed revenue to achieve the financial stability sought by its Delivering for America 10-year plan.

The mailing services filing is Docket No. R2024-1. Full pricing tables can be found on the commission’s website and on the Postal Explorer website.

You can read the Postal Service’s Oct. 6 news release here.

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