Increase the revenue generation of your mailing operation by maximizing postal discounts, reducing print and postage waste, eliminating returned mail, and ensuring timely delivery. Anchor Software has the experience and the technology to help you achieve the best results possible in your mailing operation. Our software ensures that you cut costs while maximizing the efficiency of your efforts to reach your customers.
Direct Mail is one of the most effective tools for reaching customers. Direct mail has much higher open and conversion rate than electronic communications. Therefore interactions that occur as a result of direct mail are more likely to result in a sale. This makes direct mail one of the most cost-effective marketing tools an organization can employ. And the return on direct mail can be increased by making your mailing operation more effective with the proper addressing validation and mail processing tools.
In the United States, the USPS® allows mailers to use
approved solutions for a variety of mail functions, such as validating addresses, checking a database of people who have moved, and sorting and identifying mail pieces before they have been turned over for delivery. These processes reduce the amount of work the postal service has to perform, and in return the USPS offers businesses who employ these tools discounts on the mailings they send out.
Anchor Software offers multiple USPS -approved tools for reducing postal rates. Using a system to validate and correct data elements in your mailing lists (such as ZIP™, ZIP + 4®, carrier route, delivery point, and eLOT® codes) can allow you to access significant presort discounts.
Additionally, costs can be reduced by validating address data and converting addresses that have been changed by local governments or municipalities and assuring accurate secondary address information. This can significantly reduce undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) mail. By reducing the amount of UAA in your program you save money on wasted postage and costly returns. By eliminating bad addresses from your system you also reduce costs on wasted print material and remain in compliance with USPS requirements.
In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing mail efficiently and reduce costs is cruical to maintain productivity and efficiency. Utilizing the best direct mail management software tools in the market can significantly enhance your communication strategy. Anchor Software offers on-premise, SaaS, and cloud-based solutions to allow businesses to access their accounts from any location, offering flexibility and enhanced security.
Easily keep track of productivity with our Product Monitor solution. Seamlessly view your team’s work within the organization and review productivity all from one location. This feature will help improve productivity and foster better communication between the employees and management.
Direct mail management tools can be a game-changer for boosting productivity, especially when dealing with bad addresses or UAA mail. Anchor Software can help streamline your workflow:
Increased Employee Productivity: Spend less time on mail management and more time on strategic initiatives.
Improved Communication & Collaboration: Break down communication silos and foster a collaborative work environment with Product Monitor.
Reduced Costs: Eliminate bad addresses, or enhance existing addresses in accordance with USPS standards with MaxCASS OS or AddressPro.
Scalability & Growth: Our cloud-based solution scales with your business, accommodating new employees and future growth.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation or learn more about how our solutions can meet your needs.